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We are looking for qualified dog lovers to join our foster program. Become a hero to a dog in need. Complete a foster application by clicking on the Become a Foster button. We always need emergency fosters, special needs foster, fosters for big dogs, and foster to adopt home!
Volunteer to help us give neglected dogs a chance at a good life.
We need Volunteers for Events, Home Checkers, Transporters, Store Staffing, Walking Dogs, Meals on Wheels, Fundraisers and more!
The local humane society and animal controls around the eastern panhandle are full and need your help. Please visit or contact any shelters below to adopt a dog.
Jefferson County Animal Control
Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County
Human Society of Morgan County WV
Berkeley County Animal Control
Berkeley County Humane Society
Jefferson County Animal Control
If you are interested in fostering or fostering to adopt for us , Please complete application.
Our process includes:
-Reference & home checks will be completed
-Back ground check will be completed
-Vet records for pets will be verified
A foster only program. We need foster homes! Fosters provide love, daily care, and a safe place to land while they continue on their journey to a forever home. After the above is completed and you are approved, watch our Facebook page and website for a dog you would be interested in fostering and send us a message. Our rescue supplies everything while a dog is under foster care (supplies, food, all vetting, etc.).
A foster to adopt program. We use a process of fostering leading to adoption. The dog will be in your home during the "foster to adopt period". If it is a good fit you will be able to adopt.
(Belle, pic , is available for adoption)
Thank you so much for deciding to save a life !